dsfadsfgafgf - faq-flu



faq-flu 2021 Jan 30

'The medium is the message' a phrase coined by famous Ass hat Marshall McLuhan

Marshall McLuhan^


Faq-Flu a term penned be me just the other day as I typed it into searx.be/

wondering whether it was a thing? The internet should know whether it's a thing!

I was under the odd impression that Faq-flu would throw-up results a plenty.

All related to the every real and odious situation whereas after many hours of

searching, installing, failing, listening to some idiot extol the virtues off,

poking it with a stick, missing the point and wasting time due to badly written

instructions, a plethora of dated comments all giving differing solutions

to the same problem one would find themselves exhausted; with a kind-of


manual to find out how to fill up the Car Radiator with Water, it is realised

days later that Water due to some middle management corporate twat's whim has

been re-branded Coolant.

Ex: I spent hours on this recipe, I pieced it together from ten different

websites, some of them in different languages just to get the authentic recipe;

I'm *ucking knackered! And it tastes *ucking horrible. I can't be bothered any

more I'm going to the Chip shop Fuck it!..If your going past the shop can you

bring me back some Special Brew?

Ex: No one has never asked any of these question about this subject.

These are not frequently asked question, they are corporate side steps *********.

Just Google it

I was kinda shocked to find that a search for Faq-flu would actually show results

about.. Well

The Flu


When Marshall McLuhan talked about 'The medium is the message' he only really had

Radio and Television to speak of. The couch with Butt shaped indentations:

Episodic! Now we have the Internet. Gaming chairs with see through leatherette.

The exhausting riot of colourful corporate violence called the Internet.

So if you need to know anything. Don't worry. Don't panic. Just Google it right?

The medium is now and has always been, exhaustion.

~ Exhaustion ~

When you boil it down to it's root none of it is possible without your exhaustion

this is the real medium. This is why your are here.
