dsfadsfgafgf - decades of drone




Fri 12 Feb 2021 20:34:39 GMT

Ever since I discovered Dronezone two decades ago (shit!). If my

computers turned on & I have internet, Dronezone is on.

Many streaming radio services have come & gone in the mean time but

Dronezone drones on. It was droning before one ever flew in the sky.

It was droning before "P.S. I am Wanking as I write this" (paraphrased)

and Glasscock became B3ta memes.

My .zshrc hasn't changed much in that time either.

alias missioncontrol="mplayer http://ice.somafm.com/missioncontrol"

alias dronezone="mplayer http://ice.somafm.com/dronezone"

alias secretagent="mplayer http://ice.somafm.com/secretagent"

alias beeps="mplayer http://ice4.somafm.com/cliqhop-256-mp3"

It's SOMAFM heavy when it comes to radio to say the least.

My sxhkdrc is similarly full of shortcuts that just open terminal windows

that play music. 9 times out of ten it's Dronezone.

When you've been listening to these soundscapes for a long time it's quite

hard to be impressed by any of it. It's just gentle background noise.

Music for Airports, music for escalators, sound for the sake of sound.

However, every now and then something arrest your attention.

Here's something that got my attention the other day and it's brilliant.

Tin by Bentine Phoam

Tin by Bentine Phoam [html]

It got my attention in a "press pause, copy name, look them up kinda way" and I did.

And for an extra bonus (extra as in "more of") Dronezone also brought this to my

attention. It's kinda like SWEET EXORCIST - CLONK! but it's not, it's Gold Panda

- An Iceberg Hurled Northwards Through Cloud.

Gold Panda - An Iceberg Hurled Northwards Through Cloud [yt]

