dsfadsfgafgf - Chickens
Thu 11 Feb 2021 14:07:28 GMT
I had to dispatch a Chicken yesterday. It's never pleasant killing
something your not going to eat.
But she'd been in a bad way for a couple of days. I was hoping
she'd pull through, alas. The even bigger kicker in the teeth is,
where am I going to get more Chickens during this chaos?
During the first lockdown anybody with a back garden went and got
Chickens, even some that didn't. Making it virtually impossible get
new ones. Not that I buy "New" I get X "Freerange" Chickens from a
nearby animal rescue.
How they are classified as freerange is anybody guess considering the state
of some of them. A lot of them have clearly never been outside of the Barn.
I've had one's with barely a feather on them, right mangy looking things
and they don't last long either. They'll get feathered up, start looking
really good, next thing you know there dead. Clearly the mangy looking one's
have had just as much stress to deal with as any factory farmed Hen :-( But at
least they get to run about & pester my every movement, scratch up things I
don't want scratching up and generally loaf about a bit before they die.
I wonder if just killed the Chicken that was eating Eggs? Well find out when it
proper laying season. I kinda hope it was, a recurrence of that annoyance would
be double plus annoying.
The animal rescue place gets it's Chickens from some "Freerange" farmer guy. He
gets or used to get new Chickens the moment egg laying dropped below a certain
margin. That margin being: I've got fifty Chicken in this Barn, that's Fifty eggs
a day. If I start getting forty eight eggs a day I load them up and take them to
the animal rescue centre and by new Chickens. That a tight margin.
Now with all that in mind, plug-in Sars-cov-2 and bird flu I'm wondering whether
the Farmer is going to be quite so generous this year. There wasn't a delivery
last year and if there was it was kept quite and I wouldn't blame them for that..
2021: transporting live Birds is now forbidden due to Bird Flu.
My neighbour's had to lock her flock indoors because she's registered.
My question was "Why did you do that?" also also, "If your registered,
shouldn't you be locked up and the Chickens roaming free?.